
Poems by Zoë

Hello there! I'm Zoë, and I write poems and share them on my horrible Web 1.0 looking website! If you want to know a little bit about me, well, I'm trying to stay mostly anonymous, but you can probably figure out my name fairly easily. Unless Zoë Rose is a pen name, who's to say!

I'm not "classically trained" as a poet or whatever - I'm an engineer, I just write poems in my spare time! So don't expect a regular schedule, or anything super inspired, or anything about any other poets you might've heard of. I just write what I want when I want, and if I think it's good enough I'll publish it here. A lot of my poetry is inspired by deep emotional experiences, some of them very negative. That's actually the inspiration for me publishing at all - writing these helped me work through these experiences, so hopefully reading them can help someone too. And honestly if it helps even one person this will all have been worth it!

I've classified my poems into various "Collections" about broadly similar topics. For now, these are Social Commentary, The Creative Process, and Poems I Wrote Instead of Going to Therapy. If you want something in one of these categories, pick them out from the sidebar on the right. A lot of them do overlap as well! Otherwise, you can browse my most recent posts in the sidebar on the left, or click through with the navbar at the top.

As a sidenote, I've included some context notes with every poem, about when and why I wrote it as well as a broad description of what it means to me. This will be hidden behind a drop down! If you're not in to all of that - just here for the poem, or don't want your own personal interpretations dashed by my own - feel free to ignore it.

If you want to get in contact, the best place is probably via Instagram where I crosspost most of this stuff. But please be nice! Like I said, I'm not trying to set the world on fire, I'm just writing stuff that's meaningful to me, and if you don't like it, then don't read it I guess?

Cool! Click here for my most recent poem, or check out the archive for my entire catalogue!

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